When used with "Random (similar strength)", applies a BST limit to all legendaries that are catchable and directly in your way in the main game see this wiki page for more information about which Pokemon this applies to. Renamed to "Limit Main-Game Legendaries".No longer allows Giratina-O and Shaymin-S to appear as static Pokemon due to them reverting back to their regular forms in unexpected circumstances.Settings: Swap Legendaries & Swap Standards / Random In all generation 4 games, static Pokemon in non-US versions are now randomized when randomizing static Pokemon.No longer allows Giratina-O and Shaymin-S to appear as starter Pokemon due to them reverting back to their regular forms in unexpected circumstances.

Starters, Statics & Trades Starter Pokemon For time-based evolutions that were split evolutions (like Espeon, Umbreon, or Lycanroc), these now use evolution stones instead see this wiki page for more information.

This setting can be toggled on and off in the "Settings" menu. Keeps your game and settings loaded after a successful randomization.