I die on the second or third level once I encounter a tough puzzle right in front of a memory wall and die.I want to get to more bosses!!! This would add variety and make the gameplay more fluid and interesting/long-lasting.

Gameplay is too repetitive to keep me coming back. Add more space between it and time-consuming puzzles that require lengthy focus placed directly in front of it, or make the symbols blink to help make it a feasible puzzle to solve - I die pretty much every time I encounter it which is decreasing the frequency that I play the game.

Memory wall is too hard to quickly solve. + Different outfits, lasers, and orbs, great graphics and aesthetic. +Diverse bosses (I'm assuming - even after playing many times I die after the second boss so I don't know) and multiple puzzle variations. I love the aesthetic, but the gameplay is tough and repetitive could be great with a simple update.